C-113, Shivagi Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, 302-004
Welcome to Foundation for Education and Development - Doosra Dashak
C-113, Shivagi Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, 302-004
मानसर खेड़ी की किरण हरिजन मौहल्ला, गांव मानसर खेड़ी (बस्सी) में रहने वाली 21 वर्षीय किरण हरिजन अपने परिवार में चार बहन-भाईयों में सबसे बड़ी है। पिता श्री बुद्विप्रकाश व माता सरोज देवी गांव/मौहल्ले की साफ-सफाई का कार्य करते
VOICES Study Project - This was a pilot project for one year from Dec 2013 – Nov 2014 with the financial andtechnical support from National Health System Resources (NHSRC), New Delhi and Public Health Foundation of India. It was implemented
The project “Transforming The lives of Adolescent Girls” was supported by “American Jewish World Service (AJWS) for a period of one year i.e. from 1st September to 31st August in Kishanganj block of Baran district. The reason of selecting the
Implementation of RTE Act, 2009 in Pisangan block of Ajmer district -This was a tripartite project supported by GoR (Edu. Deptt. through SSA), Foundation for Education & Development (FED) and UNICEF to implement RTE Act, 2009 in Pisangan block of
The Butterfly Project: The Butterfly project is being implemented in Desuri block of Pali district from 2015 with the support of “The Y.P. Foundation” (TYPF), New Delhi. This project provided evidence that investment in women & Girls empowerment can yield high
Doosra Dashak Project: DD project is being implemented in 9 blocks since 2001. It is a decentralised, community-based, process-oriented and participative project. It provides a value based, life skills oriented education to harness the leadership potential of youth and women for social
Nation-wide recognition through awards and accolades – FED was one of the top three finalists in the Education category for the prestigious HCL Grant 2018. The shortlisted entities represent the most outstanding non-profit bodies working to bring critical change
Doosra Dashak has created a prototype for education and development for the poorest and most vulnerable communities. DD has engaged with around 80,000 adolescents (of which 50% adolescents are girls) and has made significant contributions to making their lives
मुत्युभोज मुक्त मेरा गांव-मानसिंह यह वही मानसिंह है जो हर वक्त चुप्पी साधे रहता था। पढ़ाई और साफ-सफाई से कोई लेना-देना नहीं। सारा दिन जंगल में गाय-भैंस चराते, कंची खेलते हुए मौज-मस्ती में ही गुजार देता। हमेशा कम बोलने
Your Donations can Contribute to their Education.
C-113, Shivaji Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, 302-004