Why Should You Associate with The Foundation for Education and Development?
Why adolescents?: 23% of Indian population comprises of adolescents. Out of the total adolescents in our country, 40% are studying in schools and 20% have never received education. The irony is that parents and teachers are dissatisfied even with the performance of school going adolescents. Despite this, there are no programmes and schemes developed for adolescent boys and girls who are deprived of education. Boys and girls in this age group experience several physical and psychological changes; most of which they hesitate to share. These changes make them curious, irritable and sometimes anxious. There is a natural attraction towards opposite sex and a desire to know more about them. Due to incomplete information, most of which is misleading, youngsters are highly prone to transmit fatal disease like HIV/AIDS. After Covid-19 the situation has gone worst.
Now the challenge is to develop a system through which right information and guidance could be provided to them. In rural areas, most of the boys and girls in this age bracket, get married and start their family lives. This phase is very crucial considering the fact that adolescents find themselves detached from their social environment and also hold little or no respect for their family occupation. As a result, they migrate to cities.
On the positive side, persons in this age group are full of energy and enthusiasm. They generally are ambitious and imaginative. Their energy and optimism, if directed towards social change and development; can lead to remarkable outcomes. Doosra Dashak has attempted to address the needs of this critical age group in a region marked by fragile ecology and low social development indicators.
FED runs a programme Doosra Dashak (DD) for adolescent’s education. It is worth mentioning that X & XI five year plans of GoI have also recommended to run similar programmes in India for adolescents like Doosra Dashak.
Therefore your contribution will support adolescents to develop a sense of their worth so that they build a society where the mind in without fear and head in held high.