A range of continuing education activities has been undertaken to enhance the capacities of adolescents who have completed the four-month residential education programme. It covers:
Short-term training programmes on specific themes ;
Self-learning through Ikhvelos, Dhani libraries and Jhola Pustakalaya;
Gyan Vigyan Kendras also a part of our Ikhvelos. Out of school adolescents as well as school going students are provided opportunities to do scientific experiments, look at the night sky through a telescope, read scientific books and engage in other scientific activities;
Institutionalized continuing education activity in the form of Gyan Vigyan / Vigyan Kendras and Ikhvelo, as well as small libraries which serve as science centres and offer facilities for sports and recreation and fora for community action; and
Open Middle School (OMSs)/NIOS, to enable older adolescents to continue their education up to XII standards.
Ikhvelo is a word of Zulu and Khosa languages (spoken in South Africa). Ikhvelo literally means “whistling”. When a group of youth calls other youth through the sound of whistle or drum to engage in constructive activities the sound it makes is called Ikhvelo. In Doosra Dashak this word is adopted to create a model of centre which would serve at the panchayat level to facilitate a culture of reading and learning amongst the adolescents and youth, who are the clientele of Doosra Dashak.
The overall goal behind establishment of Ikhvelo is to foster a culture of lifelong learning and fostering of the values of democracy, secularism and equity enshrined in the Constitution of India.
Ikhvelos also help adolescents to acquire understanding and skills on varied issues related to their life and to involve the larger community in education and participatory development. These are intended to be multidimensional centres set up with a view to providing diverse kinds of educational services. Digital literacy through computers, tablets is also a focal point of attraction for the adolescents and school going students.