Bassi, Jaipur (2007) – Doosra Dashak

FED initiated its field activities in Bassi in 2007. Over the years it has covered 60 villages catering to the learning needs of 4942 adolescents.

Despite its proximity to Jaipur, the sex ratio in the block is disconcertingly low – 854.31 females per 1000 males. There is a preponderance of SC and ST which constitute nearly 50% of the population of the block. A substantial section of people commute on daily basis to Jaipur and nearby areas to work as masons or manual labour in the construction industry. The overall literacy rate of Bassi is 68% with male literacy rate of 70% and female literacy of 43%. The block is typically characterized by inferior status of women, low levels of literacy and primary education. Practically all indicators concerning women are adverse and more than half of the young persons in 11-20 age groups have had no basic education. Discrimination against ‘dalits’, who suffer from exclusion from all development processes, is ubiquitous.

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